Saturday 27 November 2010

A full moon...

Last Sunday, I was eating my dinner in the conservatory and I saw the Full Moon out shining brightly. I at first thought, what I smashing photo that could be... I realised one I got outside into the cold that nighttime photography is a challenge, but I still had a go. Here's some which I wasn't embarassed to post!

I think my night-time photography could improve, but as they say "Practise makes perfect" so that's what I intend to do, practise - so you'll be seeing lots more night photos hopefully.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

My Mum's creation

Couple of weeks ago, you probably donated to the Poppy Appeal if you were in the UK. We all remembered the men and women who have died in past wars. My Mum creates cards for various card companies and created a "always remembered" card featuring a poppy. I thought I'd take a few to showcase the card and here's what I got, with a bit of Photoshop as you do.

Lovely card I must say, but what about the photos?

Sunday 21 November 2010

Ramsgate coast, a while back...

In September, I went down to the Ramsgate coast and took a few snaps. See what you think.

These snaps were mainly pointing towards the sea or along the coast, but if I took one behind my view, you would have been pretty shocked. Some of the buildings along the coast of Ramsgate are pretty awful. I'm not really sure why, is it the care and love of a building has vanished, the government cuts? The list could go on...

Well I'm pleased with my pics there so it's all good I suppose. In other news - I'll be getting a Flickr profile soon, so I'll upload all photos I take, possibly on the move :) Techy me!