Saturday, 23 July 2011

Tracing Logos Day 3

Unfortunately, I didn't get around to producing any more pictures of well known logos today, I had other things to do including packing for my two week holiday next week of which I will be taking lots of photos of and sharing them with the world.

I hope I get enough time tomorrow to finish a project, I like to get things all done and dusted before leaving it all alone for two weeks.

I'll let you know what or if I do anything tomorrow.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Tracing Logos Day 2

Slightly more pleased today than I was yesterday. With my confidence boost, I decided to use all the photos and videos to create a 2 minute video available above. I also took a lot of pictures to upload to Flickr.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to create the logos I have chosen as well as my own take on the logo. I'm going to have less time because of holiday packing - not looking forward to squeezing everything you can into one suitcase. When I return however, I'll have loads to share with you in terms of beautiful pictures.

More from me tomorrow :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Tracing Logos Day 1

This afternoon, I spent my time finding some logos to trace and then tracing them. That all seemed pretty simple, but when it came to the photographing stage, it was difficult. Using my 'Geographical knowledge', there has been cloud cover in London for the majority of today leaving me with poor photographs. I've uploaded one image from my finished tracing above which I'm not embarrassed to share!

I'll pick the right moment tomorrow to take a few more hopefully in better light and continue my project. If I get around to creating some images tonight, I'll edit this post and tell you about it. :)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

More time to experiment

Now I've got more time on my hands, I'm going to expand my collection of images. I've come up with four different tasks/projects which I will try to complete over the next couple of weeks including pictures from my upcoming holiday.

Number 1 - Tracing Logos
I'm going to print off some well known brands/logos, trace them a couple of times onto white A4 then colour them in using the actual colours of the logo then do a few different styles. Photograph them and upload to Flickr.

Number 2 - Photography outside in my local area
Plan to go outside on a special trip to capture the best of my local area. Upload to Flickr.

Number 3 - Trip to a Exhibition or Garden
I feel confident to try to photograph a garden again after my success with the Biddulph Grange Garden recently, so a trip up to somewhere amazing is called for. If not, I'll go to an Art Exhibition of some sort.

Number 4 - Funny faces!
Use Pixlr o-Matic to create funny face pictures with cool effects/filters. I may also make my previous pictures much more funky with the software. Upload some to Flickr & organise into "sets".

I'm already looking forward to it all!

I'm on Flickr!

I've finally got around to signing up to Flickr to share all my work and try to build up a porfolio ready for the future.

There's so much to explore on Flickr that I never knew about before. As well as uploading your photos and looking at other people's photos, you can find your friends, create contacts, join groups, get a Creative Commons protection licence and much more!

I'm pleased now :)